11 months ago“怪醫黑傑克的手術刀,揭露29:“牠們害怕讓你知道的秘密”_這是兩年前Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi教授奮力公開疾呼全球大眾,警告若全世界持續多針接種新冠實驗針劑,將出現無法言喻的“疫苗災難”mcy1227
5 months agoIf you REALLY want to go down the rabbit hole, I am about to blow your mind.Top Shelf World and CryptoVerified
1 year agoEGG LAYING BEGINS AGAIN ONLY 2 DAYS AFTER REMOVING POISONED FEEDThe Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekers
5 months agoIf you REALLY want to go down the rabbit hole, Flashback to 2011 movie, “Contagion”.galacticstorm