3 months ago【NL】's Werelds beste wetenschappers voor de gek gehouden door CCP's veronderstelde overwinning...GloryMifan2
3 months agoTexas Gov. Issues Executive Order to Safeguard Texas from Hostile Powers like CCPGloryMifan
2 years agoSteve Cortes Demands Trillions In “Biological War Reperations” For The CCP’s Biomedical Pearl HarborBannons War RoomVerified
2 months ago人类的三大威胁:癌症、艾滋病、糖尿病等慢性病,青蒿素都是最好的解药! CCP冠状病毒、疫苗,青蒿素是最好的解药! 即将到来的生物科技、干细胞技术,七哥都是最早的、最牛的投资!Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
2 years agoThe CCP-Brokered Saudi-Iran Deal Occurred Purely Because Of Joe Biden, Threatening U.S. SovereigntyBannons War RoomVerified
3 months agoDoes Biden's historic visit to Angola, a key hub of the BRI, aim to counter the CCP?GloryMifan
4 years ago"Courtesy of the CCP and cartels, we have more than one dose of fentanyl per US citizen"Bannons War RoomVerified
1 month ago七哥给美国政府的6条建议,只要执行,共产党6个月结束:1、脱钩 2、制裁 3、明确共产党是非法政权 4、保护中国人及其财产 5、全球对CCP病毒死亡对中共索赔 6、对港台只要有军事行动…Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
2 years agoJack Posobiec: Lao Baixing's Chanting "Take Down The CCP" In The Streets As They Protest Against The CCP Totalitarian GripBannons War RoomVerified
2 days agoTrump confronts the CCP head-on: Ukraine peace + fentanyl cartel crackdown! 🔥川普直面中共:止战乌克兰+芬太尼毒枭大扫荡Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
2 days ago阿肯色州全面开战!💥 驱逐中共,捍卫美国安全 🇺🇸 Arkansas Launches a Full-scale Battle! 🔥 Expelling the CCP!Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
20 hours agoMiles Guo Exposes How the CCP Conspired in the 1990s to Destroy the U.S. and White PeopleGloryMifan
2 years agoSteve Cortes: Zelensky Plans To Create ‘Bridge To Europe’ For The CCPBannons War RoomVerified
4 years agoNYT, WAPO and others revealed as participating in CCP propaganda eventsOne America News NetworkVerified
2 years agoPOSOBIEC: "The CCP is going to Biden, and they're using him to build their empire"The Post Millennial LiveVerified