4 months agoPallywood actors getting ready for their role as Israeli IDF soliders. Lies, Fakes and Terrorism!Israel Forever
3 months agoMore Pallywood fake videos the Pro-Palestine crowd keeps buying into like the suckers they areIsrael Forever
11 months agoDear Ann Hathaway - Let's STOP the Hollywood Double Standard! You are either for ALL women or not!Israel Forever
1 month agoWARNING! GRAPHIC CONTENT! October 7th reminder - Why Israel HAVE to eliminate these Terrorist!Israel Forever
4 months agoAnother Peaceful NY protest left Todd Richman bleeding. Hamasonazis are so civilized and non-violentIsrael Forever
5 months agoGRAPHIC! Oct.7th Palestinazi Hamassacre - This is why Israel MUST get rid of them all!Israel Forever
8 months agoAmericans - This is happening in the USA!!! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE! WAKE THE HELL UP!Israel Forever
2 months agoWho did we send to Hell so far? Who wants to be next? Do Not Mess with Israel!Israel Forever
9 months agoThese are NOT anti-war protests! These are Pro Terrorists, Anti American, Anti Jewish protests!Israel Forever
5 months agoAnyone condemning the act of blowing Hezbollah's pagers - is obsessed with the rights of terrorists!Israel Forever
9 months agoFinally some good from London: Citizens stop Muslim Jihadi with Knives and Kuran. Tragedy averted!Israel Forever
10 months agoThank you Bill Mahr - One of the very few voices of reason and common sense left ln US mediaIsrael Forever
7 months agoPeaceful Muslims beating up random British citizens in the streets. The United Arab Kingdom!Israel Forever