2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Observation without thought | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Never ask: “I wish I had it” | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Is there a way of living without control? | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Enlightenment doesn’t come through a teacher | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Why there’s no love in your heart | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Cosmic order, inner space, no occupation | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | You can NOT silence the mind | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Our concern with pleasure and desire | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | The fact and the idea about it | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Is there emotional quality in understanding? | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Attention~Center less perception~Brain wholly active | immersive pointer | piano AArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Can the brain rejuvenate itself? | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti |You are stuck with yourself, no God can help you | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | The inactive brain will wither | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Then the mind can use thought without creating fear | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | Meditation demands total integrity | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | “I observed greatly in India…” | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | How can the mind come to it? | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now
2 years agoJ Krishnamurti | There’s no duality, no choice, only the fact | immersive pointer | piano A-LovenArt of Now