THE GREAT RESET | "I See It As a Tremendous Opportunity to Have This GREAT RESET And to Use These HUGE FLOWS of Money And Increased Levers to Create a Change That Is Not Incremental." - Nicole Schwab (Klaus Schwab's Daughter)
Yuval Noah Harari | "A.I. Is the First Invention In History Which Threatens to Take Away Power from Humans." "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Musk (The Co-Founder of OpenAI which Received a $1 Billion I
Yuval Noah Harari | "There Is More Trust In Science That At Any Time In History. Ultimately, Almost All of the Governments of the World, They Relied On Science. Even the Pope Telling People Don't Come to Church. Why? Because the Doctors Said So.
CBDCs | INDIA | "CBDCs...When You Go and Make a Payment It Will Move from Your Wallet to His Wallet and There Is No Routing or Intermediation of the Bank."
Yuval Noah Harari | "VOTING RIGHTS Are Based On the Assumption That All Humans Have Equal Feelings Rather Than Equal Intelligence. What Might Happen If It Turns Out That Not All Humans Have the Same Capacity to Feel?"