Australian senator, Alex Antic, exposes the totalitarian aspirations of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, and its 'Great Reset' agenda, in the Australian parliament
World Economic Forum | World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor Jane Goodall "If I Just Had This Magic Power, I Would Like to Without Causing Any Pain or Suffering Reduce the Number of People On the Planet." - Jane Goodall + Club of Rome 101
CBDCs | "We Are On the Journey (To CBDCS) and the Journey Is Going to Happen." - Lieve Mostrey (The Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear and a member of the World Economic Forum)
World Economic Forum 2023 Meeting | "Improving Biology and Redesigning Organisms. Diminished Reality Glasses That Will Allow You to Remove Things from Your View Wether That Be Garage or Other People."
World Economic Forum | "Today I'm Here to Tell You That the Western World Is In Danger. Those Who Are Supposed to Have to Defend the Values of the West Are Co-Opted By a Vision of the World That Inextricably Leads to Socialism." - Argentina
THEY USE THE "POOR" COUNTRIES AS THEIR TEST BEDS! - C4IR | Impact On The Ground | How data laws are facilitating healthcare innovation in Rwanda | World Economic Forum