Ralph Baric | Ralph Baric, The Known Gain-of-Function Advocate Advised Attendees On How to "Make Money" In the "Next Pandemic" While Speaking At a Conference In 2018.
Christine Anderson (European Union Member) | Are Criminal Investigations Actually Underway Into Pfizer and the European Union? + The Inventor the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Tests Explains How They Can Be Used to Falsely Inflate Positive COVID-19 Case
Ian Smith | New Jersey Gym Owner Gets Destroyed In Embarrassing 3 On 1 Arm Wrestling Defeat to David Whited, Seth Keshel and Clay Clark (Next Up...Klaus Schwab)!!!
New World Order | Why is the Architects Registration Board Insisting on Pledging Allegiance to the Climate Change Orthodoxy as a Condition of Qualifying as an Architect?
Yuval Noah Harari | Meat Consumption | "Most People Believe That Humans Have Some Kind of Superior Consciousness Which Justifies the Way We Treat Billions of Other Animals. This Unproven Theory May Have Caused More Suffering Than Any Other Single Ide
Yuval Noah Harari | Trump | "Nationalism Is a Barrier for Cooperation On the International Level. The President of the U.S. (Trump) Said That There Is a Contradiction Between Nationalism and Globalism and That People Should Choose Nationalism."