"You Can't Hide This Anymore" Edward Dowd Breaks Down the CDC Data and Explains Why He Thinks There Will Be Consequences "The rate of change [in all-cause mortality] is the smoking gun.
"Safe and Effective" - The FDA Was Presented With Tens of Thousands of Adverse Events While Approving the COVID Jab "These are tens of thousands of people hurt or missing... serious outcomes... This was private; they didn't tell us.
7/12/21 - Fauci explains to Zuckerberg the risks associated with the experimental Covid-19 jab. 'The CV19 jab can make you extra susceptible to circulating viruses and undermine your natural immunity'. Did you know?
Dr. Alexander Praises the Truckers for Standing Up for Freedom—Calls on the People to Vote Out the Tyrants "The scientists, the CDC, the FDA... they all failed us..