1 year ago'I have absolute faith that mRNA vaccines will kill you,' says Sucharit Bhakdi, MDExposing the Fallen Angels and their followers!
1 year ago微生物学家 Sucharit Bhakdi 博士在提醒医生他们可能是大规模谋杀的同谋!“他们第一次接受并支持这个新冠疫苗计划就已经失败了!他们一开始就让这种疯狂的事情发生一灯能除千年暗 一智能灭万年愚
2 years agoLe Dr Sucharit Bhakdi discute des problèmes liés au test PCR (Quake Media) (VOST)Covfefe 2020
2 years ago2021: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi explaining the mRNA vaccines and what can go wrongCorona Tyranny
1 year agoDr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Întreaga industrie a vaccinării este o...Azi prezent, maine istorie - Omul si locul sau in lume
1 year agoDr Sucharit Bhakdi - foreign gene mrna integration into chromosome genetically transformed foreverlevtcs
2 months agoDr. Sucharit Bhakdi has warned about the potential for Antibody-Dependent EnhancementPLANDEMIK1984
2 years agoProf. Sucharit Bhakdi - Pandemia zdemaskowana. Fakty na temat szczypawek i białek kolcawezwaniedoprzebudzenia
2 years agoGrand Jury - 19/02/2022 - Jour 4 - Dr Sucharit Bhakdi - Il ne devrait plus jamais y avoir de vaccins autorisés en urgenceRoger Soulard - La PLANdémie
1 year agoDr. Sucharit Bhakdi - ARNm pentru toate vaccinurileAzi prezent, maine istorie - Omul si locul sau in lume
1 year ago“怪醫黑傑克的手術刀,揭露29:“牠們害怕讓你知道的秘密”_這是兩年前Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi教授奮力公開疾呼全球大眾,警告若全世界持續多針接種新冠實驗針劑,將出現無法言喻的“疫苗災難”mcy1227