2 years agoBreak Tide Trance Darmin De'flern EDM, Trance, Ambient, Electronica, Akai MPC Live 2.Music Videos, tutorials, poems and prose.
3 months agoNew Zealand's parliament suspended after Māori lawmakers perform Haka, protest proposed lawrobonile
1 year ago@CorteSupremaJ ordenó investigar a Barbosa por denuncia de @hackerFiscaliahackerfiscalia Richard Maok Riaño Botina
1 year ago"Protect Your Whakapapa" Is A Lie Inspired By Maori Against Their Fellow MaoriVoicesForFreedomNZVerified
3 years agoNEW! - Introducing Bo The Stoned Man's Maori Patu Line! - One of a Kind ArtifactsStone Masonry
3 years ago"Intermission B" by Caalamus from "Omega Circuits ( Sketches w-the Akai Timbre Wolf )"Caalamus
3 months ago🇳🇿🇵🇸 Protestors performed the traditional Maori Haka dance in solidarity with The Palestinians.The_EyeSpy
1 year ago'Rather RUDE': Maori MP's call King Charles a 'SCAB' sparking translation debateGBNewsOnline
3 days agoUltraman Dyna Hero's Brave: PVC Statue: Ultraman Dyna: Akai Daichi No Chikara ReviewCP Wizard Review