1. Flying Sparks - Trees Walk, Mountains Dance, and Stars Sing of War - Book Trailer - Science Fantasy

    Flying Sparks - Trees Walk, Mountains Dance, and Stars Sing of War - Book Trailer - Science Fantasy

  2. A Novel Set in the Dying Embers Universe - Flying Sparks

    A Novel Set in the Dying Embers Universe - Flying Sparks

  3. Flying Sparks - A Science Fantasy Novel

    Flying Sparks - A Science Fantasy Novel

  4. Flying Sparks - a Novel of Science Fantasy Adventure

    Flying Sparks - a Novel of Science Fantasy Adventure

  5. A Cry Under the Stars- Excerpt 21 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Sleepless

    A Cry Under the Stars- Excerpt 21 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Sleepless

  6. Flying Sparks - Science Fantasy - Book - Shapeshifting

    Flying Sparks - Science Fantasy - Book - Shapeshifting

  7. Flying Sparks - Set in the Dying Embers Universe

    Flying Sparks - Set in the Dying Embers Universe

  8. Shattered Bones - Excerpt 8 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Flash Flood

    Shattered Bones - Excerpt 8 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Flash Flood

  9. Lava Pool - Excerpt 18 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Where a Family Shares

    Lava Pool - Excerpt 18 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Where a Family Shares

  10. Glitching - Excerpt 4 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – A Conversation

    Glitching - Excerpt 4 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – A Conversation

  11. The Storm Song - Excerpt - Flying Sparks - A Novel – An Approaching Danger

    The Storm Song - Excerpt - Flying Sparks - A Novel – An Approaching Danger

  12. Through the Woods - Excerpt 19- Flying Sparks - A Novel – A Night Time Journey

    Through the Woods - Excerpt 19- Flying Sparks - A Novel – A Night Time Journey

  13. Sounds in the Night - Excerpt 20 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – A Confrontation

    Sounds in the Night - Excerpt 20 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – A Confrontation

  14. A Science Fiction - Science Fantasy Novel

    A Science Fiction - Science Fantasy Novel

  15. A Medical Confrontation - Excerpt 12 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Frustrating Situation

    A Medical Confrontation - Excerpt 12 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Frustrating Situation

  16. Music of the Spheres - Excerpt 10 - Flying Sparks - A Novel –A Strange Song

    Music of the Spheres - Excerpt 10 - Flying Sparks - A Novel –A Strange Song

  17. The Truth and Nothing But - Excerpt 14 - Flying Sparks - A Novel

    The Truth and Nothing But - Excerpt 14 - Flying Sparks - A Novel

  18. After Action - Excerpt 2 - Flying Sparks - An Ancient Duty - A Warning - A Warrior

    After Action - Excerpt 2 - Flying Sparks - An Ancient Duty - A Warning - A Warrior

  19. Search and Rescue - Excerpt 1 - Flying Sparks - A Dark Night - A Desperate Hunt- An Alien Surprise

    Search and Rescue - Excerpt 1 - Flying Sparks - A Dark Night - A Desperate Hunt- An Alien Surprise

  20. An Observed Reunion - Excerpt 16- Flying Sparks - A Novel – Family Found

    An Observed Reunion - Excerpt 16- Flying Sparks - A Novel – Family Found

  21. Anxious Waiting - Excerpt - Flying Sparks - A Novel – An Alien Perspective

    Anxious Waiting - Excerpt - Flying Sparks - A Novel – An Alien Perspective

  22. Family Contention - Excerpt 17 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – The Consequences

    Family Contention - Excerpt 17 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – The Consequences

  23. Roaring Waters - Excerpt 9 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – A Swift Journey

    Roaring Waters - Excerpt 9 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – A Swift Journey

  24. The Memorial Garden - Excerpt - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Life

    The Memorial Garden - Excerpt - Flying Sparks - A Novel – Life

  25. A Target - Excerpt 22 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – The Bear that Wasn’t

    A Target - Excerpt 22 - Flying Sparks - A Novel – The Bear that Wasn’t
