Leigh Dundas | “If He’s So Darn Concerned With These People's Health And Welfare How Come The Big Employers Have To Do It. What About The Little Employees Working At Employers Who Have 50 Employees. What's Up What That?” - Leigh Dundas
X.com | "If Done Right X Would Become Half of the Global Financial System, Or Some Big Number. The Most Efficient Database for the Thing That Is Money." - Elon Musk (June 27th 2023)
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Wouldn't Focus All the Attention On One Religion of Islam, the Major Issue Is Dealing With Religious Fanaticism. Their Focus Is Not On This World, There Are Focus In On Another World. Then We Have a Big Problem."
CBDC | Did the International Monetary Fund Unveil the 'Unicoin' at the International Monetary Fund Spring Meeting? The ENTIRE BANKING SYSTEM Explained In 2 Minutes & 20 Seconds | Who Is the BIG BOSS OF BANKING?