Yuval Noah Harari | "According to Some Measurements, Democracy In the United States Is Quite Fragile In Terms of If You Think of Who Gets to Vote." - 9/5/204 + "Next Election In the U.S. Is Likely to Be Run By A.I." - 4/28/2023
Invasion | "The Story of History Is the Story of Invasion. One Nations Ends, Another Begins. Invasions Drive History. Few Americans Recognize This Is Happening Right Now. The United States Is Being Invaded. The People Who Lead Us Are Letting It Happe
Kamala at the debate: "And as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world." Deployed Military: "So where the fuck are we right now?"
Mike Miller | “You Guys Think CNN Is Going To Tell You The Truth? You Think I Will? I Am Certified In The United States Press Association Internationally. I Am A New Truth Teller Here In The United States Of America.” - Mike Miller