1 month agoBLIND JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW WILL RETURN TO OUR REPUBLIC. There is a reason why a sword is held. QGroovekomitee
1 year agoALERT: China Issues Navigation Warning Near Taiwan for Alleged Falling Rocket DebrisJim Yackel - Storm Warning News
2 years agoChina Deploys 71 Warplanes to Skies Around Taiwan in Chilling 'strike drill'Jim Yackel - Storm Warning News
1 year agoTyphoon Haikui: More than 30M people on alert as storm set to slam into Southeast ChinaGlobal News
2 years agoDoD: China’s Surveillance Balloon Currently Over the Center of the Continental USUncensored StormVerified
2 years agoWar Drums Beating: China Considering Providing "lethal support" to Aid Russia Against UkraineJim Yackel - Storm Warning News
2 years agoDoD: Reason Why They're Not Shooting Down China Surveillance BalloonUncensored StormVerified
2 years agoPortal Appears In Sky During Storm Following HAARP Turkey Earthquake Batumi Black Sea Mine ExplosionVictorHugoArt