Unless for Research Purposes STOP fu"Q"ing with Your OWN Psyche; Never Mind the British People! This “Q” Mental Gymnastics is Not 5D Chess, But an Insult to Your Consciousness. Qtards, Unsub From This Channel.
Dark City [Trailer] (1998) | Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City". How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
Sway – Jennifer Connelly (Musical Selection) | WE in 5D: Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City" (1998). How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
🐉 NY Man OWNS Migrant Center Security W/ COOPERATION FROM COP. | #OwnThatSHADOW! If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow and Took Responsibility for Previous Choices & Created-Timeline They'd Reach 5D. PROPER Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!