22 days agoFeb 11 - Proverb of the Day - He that Winneth Souls is WisePastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
21 days agoFeb 12 - Proverb of the Day - A Good Word Makes the Heart GladPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
20 days agoFeb 13 - Proverb of the Day - A Wise Son Hears His Fathers InstructionPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
17 days agoFeb 16 - Proverb of the Day - Pacify the Wrath of a KingPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
2 months agoJan 4 - Proverb of the Day - Avoid Rotten PeoplePastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
2 months agoJan 2 - Proverb of the Day - Flatterers are DisloyalPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
2 months agoJan 3 - Proverb of the Day - The Bible is Always RightPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
2 months agoJan 5 - Proverb of the Day - Let Her Breasts Satisfy TheePastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
1 month agoJan 9 - Proverb of the Day - Reprove Not a ScornerPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
1 month agoJan 13 - Proverb of the Day - Don't Spare the RodPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
1 month agoJan 14 - Proverb of the Day - A True Witness Delivers SoulsPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE
1 month agoJan 15 - Proverb of the Day - Embrace Being CorrectedPastor Steven L. Anderson OFFICIAL RUMBLE