2 years agoblood clot explosions in the head - brain anuerism courtesy of the vaccine bioweaponHARPAXO
2 years ago"catholics are the fake Christians!" Catholicism is the WHORE that Revelation speaks ofHARPAXO
1 year ago"This traitor betrayed Canada." "Trudeau in the Eternal Lake of Fire, God's Judgement is Coming."HARPAXO
2 years agoRussell Brand the shill thinks this psychopath Yuval Noah Harari is a beautiful personHARPAXO
2 years agothis is how stupid and asleep politicans are, having sold their souls for a paycheckHARPAXO
1 year agolittle girl cant see a woman - transgenders love vaccines and take the mark of the Beast excitedlyHARPAXO
2 years agoBall Baal Bull! These globalists are God-haters! They know what GOD did to Baal-worshippers!HARPAXO
2 years ago"concentrate your efforts on informing and educating the masses of zombies" Jordan MaxwellHARPAXO
1 year ago"Get saved and escape the Great Tribulation!" Vaccines kill excess deaths from bioweapon injectionsHARPAXO
1 year agoproject blue beam - counterfeit aliens who demand humans be vaccinated before approaching earthHARPAXO