4 months agoOMC! Saying hello - flock of joy - flock of peace!🐔#hello #flock #peace #joy #shorts #chickens #henOneMinuteChickens
2 months agoOMC! How happy is this hen to just relax hidden in the Lilac bushes? #chickens #hens #shorts #lilacsOneMinuteChickens
1 year agoThe kitten hugged the hen to sleep, afraid that the hen would run away! The rooster was surprised❤️FunForEveryOne
4 months agoOMC! Amazing chicken pecking and scratching club - Subscribe now if you love chickens! #hens #shortsOneMinuteChickens
2 months agoOMC! What has this hen so upset? - Is it that her favorite nesting spot is taken? #shorts #chickensOneMinuteChickens
4 months agoYaha Sanwar ki shahadat se ahil maqymat ke ahsasat majruh hen magar arade mazboot hen.IslamimarkazShortClips
2 months agoOMC! Why does Whitey try to get under her Orpington friend during the dirt bath? #chickens #shortsOneMinuteChickens
3 years agoHen Cute Funny Video | Best Funny Hen Videos | Funny Hens and Kittens - NatureMiscAMAZING CHANNEL LIVE NEWS INDIA 24X7
4 months agoOMC! A moment with my orpington hen chickens 2! #chickens #hens #orpington #shorts #backyardchickensOneMinuteChickens