Leila Centner | “Are You Here To Create A Legacy For The Children Who Have No Voices Yet? There Is No Coincidence That You Are Here Right Now Listening To This, Your Soul Has A Purpose.” - Leila Centner
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Still Teach At Hebrew University of Jerusalem, So Every Week I Am There. People Create a Story About the Place & They Imagine That This Place (Jerusalem) Is Filled w/ Holiness. This Place Makes People Angry."
CBDCs | Quant CBDCs Are Here!!! "CBDCs Are No Longer a Fictional Concept. These Are Real. They Are Happening. It's Driven from the Top Down. It's Governments Saying We Will Have a CBDC." - Gilbert Verdian (The Founder of QUANT CBDCs)
THE GREAT RESET | "I See It As a Tremendous Opportunity to Have This GREAT RESET And to Use These HUGE FLOWS of Money And Increased Levers to Create a Change That Is Not Incremental." - Nicole Schwab (Klaus Schwab's Daughter)
Kimberly Fletcher | “Moms, Grandmas, You Are Creating The Future Of Our Country And If You Don’t Like What We See, You Have The Power To Turn It Around.” - Kimberly Fletcher
Errol Webber | "If You Create A Culture And You Create An Environment Where People Believe They Can Continue To Commit Crime They Will Continue To Push The boundaries To See What They Can Get Away With"
CBDC | "With a CBDC a Government Can Program Your Money. China Is One of the World Leaders In Creating Digital Currency, But They Are Also a Leader In Censorship."