1 year ago#005 | Guns of the Week - A Look at the 10mm Glock & Fancy Glocks | Thornburg & ReedCivic Duty
5 months agoSpringfield Armory ‘Echelon’ 5.28” threaded barrel 9mm optic ready 17-20 rd capacitySheepdoggunarmory
5 months agoQ ‘Sugar Weasel’ 300 blk out SBR 300 blk out 7” barrel, 30 rd capacity (FDE Color)Sheepdoggunarmory
5 months agoMossberg ‘590 Shockwave’ 20 gauge 3 (pump action) 14” barrel, 5 rd capacitySheepdoggunarmory
4 months agoM&P 2.0 ‘Performance center Compact Carry comp’ 4.22” barrel 9mm 15rd capacitySheepdoggunarmory
4 months agoZastava ‘Zpap 85’ 10” barrel 556nato, 4, 30rd mags & SBA3 Tactical braceSheepdoggunarmory