It's Not About "Deserve". It’s—THIS is What a White Hat Contract Looks Like [There's a Glass Ceiling!] + Contracts.. Codependencies are SO the Previous Age of Pisces!
When I'm Grateful to the Rumble Audience Only to Find How Ungrateful They Actually Are 😂 | #LocalsOnly #TraumatizedSJWs #NoPussiesAllowed #Trickster #Humor
Illuminati Throws P Diddy Under the Buss as Feds Raid His Homes. One Wonders What the Attempted Optic is. This is the 3D—Justice isn't Given for the Sake of it; it's Given to Hide Larger Injustices OR IT'S GIVEN BY THE PEOPLE (Rare).
BACKFIRE: A Woke Accidentally Makes Case for Trump! | WE in 5D: 1. Except for Prayer in School—That's Not Freedom of Religion, But Whatever.. Let's Not Split Hairs Now. 2. Why are Wokes/Modern Libs SO Unattractive? Says Much of Their Spirit!
MSNBC Reporter Gets Mind BLOWN by Trump Supporters Telling Their Truth—They Don't Care, They're Not Required to Care, and They Will Put Themselves First (Aside From the Fact That What’s Actually Happening is Compassion-Weaponization!)
🐉 NY Man OWNS Migrant Center Security W/ COOPERATION FROM COP. | #OwnThatSHADOW! If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow and Took Responsibility for Previous Choices & Created-Timeline They'd Reach 5D. PROPER Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!
Pres. Trump: “We’re Taking Back The WH Sooner Than You Think!" (5/2021) | ACCEPT: Plans Don't Always Turn Out as Planned! If You Can’t Find the Savior w/in You the Universe (THAT'S ACTUALLY YOU) WILL Create Scenarios to Prove YOU ARE.
We Are, and Will Witness More AND MORE [Particularly Incoherent and Frazzled] Pendulums as Earth's Arguably Harsh Transition Continues! Learn More About Pendulums in Relationship to This 3D Reality and Reality Transurfing (Link in Description Below).
TRUMP READS (((VIBRATION))) | WE in 5D: This Could Even Repel a Supporter/Fan Who Believes in Grace Just a Little Too Much, BUT Here is Simple Truth... SURE, One CAN Shift Vibration/Change—FEW EVERRR DO #HowManyTimesHaveYouFuckedAroundAndFoundOut?
The Illuminati and Their Minion Libs Have Worked Hard to Bankrupt Donald Trump.. WAIT TIL THEY SEE THIS! | WE in 5D: The Universe Supports Your Every Truthful Need; You Don't Need to Be Donald Trump—You Need to ABORT Arguing for Your Limitations.
Socially Engineered Illuminati Product (That's MANYYY Humans, But in This Case, the Colorado Secretary of State) Loosing Her Mind and Looking Like She's About do Cry Over 9-0 SCOTUS Ruling—Trump WILL BE on the Ballot!
When Any Conversation is This Painstakingly Painful it's The Universe Communicating That You 2 (or More) are Too Dissonant a Vibration to Benefit From Mingling. STOP Doing This Kind of Thing to Yourselves! Not All Discourse Has Value.
BREAKING: Rand Paul Came Out Today to Publicly Reject a Particular GOP Presidential Candidate! Guess Which One... | WE in 5D: He is Personally One of My Top Choices for Trump's VP!