2 years ago為何急著“火化遺體”?成人猝死綜合症(SADS)的“導因”,受害者家屬最該看到的解剖答案!Infowars 第一手證據曝光,知名真相記者 Mike Adams 帶您從高倍顯微鏡下看清“政府想掩蓋的秘密”mcy1227
2 years ago為何急著“火化遺體”?成人猝死綜合症(SADS)的“導因”,受害者家屬最該看到的解剖答案!Infowars 第一手證據曝光,知名真相記者 Mike Adams 帶您從高倍顯微鏡下看清“政府想掩蓋的秘密”AgainstTheOdds超越可能
2 years agoUnder the Age of 40? Time to Get Your Heart Checked: The Normalization of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)RVM NewsVerified
4 months ago7/7 victim John Tulloch gives his reaction to the Leveson findings (2012) The GuardianDeGrijzeDuif
3 years agoFully vaxxed healthy 18-year-old model, Valentina Boscardin, suddenly dies due to blood clotsfrankploegman
8 years agoFormer band director at Greenfield-Central High School died suddenly on Christmas dayWRTVVerified
2 years ago"Unknown Cause of Death" is now the leading cause of death. This video is satirical, but sadly trueEverything you think you know are lies