1 year agoMore AMC FUD articles to justify the criminal AMC price manipulation SEC silent to the crimesDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoWill AMC paying a dividend force the Shorters to cover? More Buys than sells price drop Criminality?DonnahueGeorge
1 year ago1,100,000 counterfeit AMC shares available to short at 18% CTB You believe they bought real shares?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAdam Aron main objective is not to pay off AMC debt he could have paid off AMC debt with APE in 8/22DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoAMC running in premarket More buys than sells criminals tripled down on criminality AMC finished redDonnahueGeorge
1 year agoWhy did AMC CTB drop from 1075% to 308%? New AMC shares appeared out of thin air or Criminality?DonnahueGeorge
2 years agoAMC notified SEC that they will be buying Cineworld AMC fundamentals getting betterDonnahueGeorge
2 years agoAMC Stock Live Price Action | What's Next? | Stock Market Today | Penny Stocks | Stock Market NewsMAKING EASY MONEY
3 years agoEp. 101 Market Volatility Returns (Stocks & Crypto) || Dumb Money w/ MattMatt KohrsVerified
1 year agoChase CEO Jamie Dimon says he wouldn’t buy a bank Is liquidity issues coming for AMC Shorters?DonnahueGeorge
2 years agoSimple understanding of AMC and APE / Why they are moving the way they are / Stock Market TrendingMOASS STOCKS & CRYPTO LIVE
2 years agoAMC APE 85% dark pool 3X buys to sell yet price dropping SEC sees no fraud or corruptionDonnahueGeorge
2 years agoAnother Adam Aaron was used to buy and sell AMC shares Criminal price manipulation Where is SEC?DonnahueGeorge
1 year agoCitadel and Hedgies shorting USA using Treasury futures and it’s about to crash the market AMC MOASSDonnahueGeorge
1 year agowhat you don't think about when it comes to the $AMC and $APE conversion / price arbitrage sillyMOASS STOCKS & CRYPTO LIVE