2 months agoEl derrocado líder sirio Bashar al Assad emite su primera declaración desde la caída del régimenPRENSA
2 months agoInforme desde Damasco: primeras declaraciones de Bashar al-Assad desde su salida de SiriaPRENSA
8 months agoSyrian president Bashar Assad's statement about not recognizing the existence of an "Israeli people"Biological Medicine
3 years agoAction with Integrity on Available Choice ELAN Bashar Reverend Crystal Cox CommentaryELAN Bashar Channeling. Consciously Create Reality.
2 months agoRussia Grants Political Asylum to Ex-Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Says KremlinThe Intrepid News
2 months agoIT’S OVER 🇸🇾‼️ Syrian state television has announced the overthrow of BasharAxisofEvilVerified