1. What does it mean when you make allegiance to the Declaration of Independence?

    What does it mean when you make allegiance to the Declaration of Independence?

  2. What do I need to consider when purchasing a home using my Foundation?

    What do I need to consider when purchasing a home using my Foundation?

  3. If I purchase XRP or any coin-Do I need to put it onto a hard wallet right away

    If I purchase XRP or any coin-Do I need to put it onto a hard wallet right away

  4. Do you have to send in an expired passport when applying for a new one?

    Do you have to send in an expired passport when applying for a new one?

  5. Can I change the DS-11 so the words fit inside the areas given for the questions?

    Can I change the DS-11 so the words fit inside the areas given for the questions?
