Space Force Lt. General Deanna Burt "Since January of This Year More Than 400 Anti-LGBTQ+ Laws Have Been Introduced At the State Level..." | Does the Space Force Leadership Team or the Space Balls Leadership Team Inspire More Confidence?
THEY USE THE "POOR" COUNTRIES AS THEIR TEST BEDS! - C4IR | Impact On The Ground | How data laws are facilitating healthcare innovation in Rwanda | World Economic Forum
House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer: Republicans "have made it quite clear they want to eliminate what they call the Deep State. The Deep State is a cadre of professionals dedicated to honouring the Constitution and the laws of this country...&quo
Biden Clown Lying Show: "I've come here today to secure our border... I do what I can on my own... we have to change our laws... American people are going to, we, are wearing thin right now... what was that?"