4 months ago♫ playing in the Band Flat Earth And Other Hot Potatoes Demo for Small Potatoes ♫markksargent
6 months agoSat October 13th (NEW DATE) Flat Earth Bristol Meetup Sat October 13th (NEW DATE) ✅markksargent
1 year agoFlat Earth Radio Show StrangeWorld - Tuesdays 10PM EST - TruthFrequencyRadio - Mark Sargent ✅markksargent
1 year agoCNN states that the White House still thinks the Earth is Flat - Mark Sargent ✅markksargent
9 months agoThe Oscillations of the Center of the Known World Map on the Non-Solid Plasma Moon | Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
7 months agoMOON LOGIC: The Moon Is Flat, Case Closed! Don't Be Duped by NASA Trolls, Esp. on Cabal-Run YouTube!Liberty TV