3 years agoWAS THERE A FAILURE THAT SET YOU UP FOR SUCCESS? by Nikkolas Smith - Amazing Lessons 335Frame Freak Studio
3 years agoHOW WAS YOUR EXPERIENCE BUILDING BUSINESS SKILLS? by Kristen Sanzari - Amazing Lessons 250Frame Freak Studio
3 years agoHOW HAS CTNX IMPACTED YOUR CAREER? by Kristen Sanzari - Amazing Lessons 247Frame Freak Studio
4 years agoANY ADVICE TO OVERCOME SHYNESS AS AN ARTIST? by Eliza Reisfeld - Amazing Lessons #158Frame Freak Studio
4 years agoWHAT IS THE MOST COMMON MISTAKE MADE BY ARTISTS? by Andrew Hickinbottom - Amazing Lessons #151Frame Freak Studio
4 years agoHOW HAS THE INTERNET CHANGED THE 3D INDUSTRY? by Andrew Hickinbottom - Amazing Lessons #152Frame Freak Studio
4 years agoDO YOU NEED A BIG SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE TO GET HIRED? by Brian Ajhar - Amazing Lessons #142Frame Freak Studio
4 years agoWHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE EVENTS FOR ARTISTS? by Karina Ruiz - Amazing Lessons #130Frame Freak Studio
4 years agoHOW MUCH STREAMING SERVICES HAS IMPACTED ANIMATION? by Paul O' Muiris - Amazing Lessons #133Frame Freak Studio
4 years agoANY ADVICE FOR ARTISTS TO GET OUT OF THEIR CONFORT ZONE? by Karina Ruiz - Amazing Lessons #126Frame Freak Studio
4 years agoWHAT DO YOU THINK NEW ARTISTS SHOULD BE FOCUSING ON? by Sam Barnett - Amazing Lessons #114Frame Freak Studio
3 years agoIS THERE AN EDITOR IN THE PROCESS OF PUBLISHING A BOOK? by Arree Chung - Amazing Lessons 234Frame Freak Studio
3 years agoWHAT IS SOMETHING UNEXPECTED IN YOUR CAREER THAT IS IMPORTANT? by Ari Gibson - Amazing Lessons 225Frame Freak Studio
3 years agoWHY DID YOU USE A DARK STORY AND CUTE ANIMATION FOR THE GAME? by Ari Gibson - Amazing Lessons 222Frame Freak Studio