1. how to increase your credit scores for a mortgage

    how to increase your credit scores for a mortgage

  2. The Gov't will pivot and mortgage rates will come down next year

    The Gov't will pivot and mortgage rates will come down next year

  3. with rising home prices we now have min down payments on jumbo loans

    with rising home prices we now have min down payments on jumbo loans

  4. What do you need to know about property taxes when buying a home

    What do you need to know about property taxes when buying a home

  5. How fast can we close your mortgage

    How fast can we close your mortgage

  6. A Reverse Mortgage on a Purchase

    A Reverse Mortgage on a Purchase

  7. What is reasonable for a closing date on a purchase mortgage

    What is reasonable for a closing date on a purchase mortgage

  8. When is a good time to refinance

    When is a good time to refinance

  9. Escrow holdbacks for repairs on mortgage purchase

    Escrow holdbacks for repairs on mortgage purchase

  10. Besides lowering your rate, dropping pmi, lowering insurance, on a refinance

    Besides lowering your rate, dropping pmi, lowering insurance, on a refinance

  11. Are you looking at selling your business or buying a business

    Are you looking at selling your business or buying a business

  12. qualifying with 1099 income for a mortgage

    qualifying with 1099 income for a mortgage

  13. Minimum down payments on Jumbo loans

    Minimum down payments on Jumbo loans

  14. appraisal fees are going up and taking longer on a mortgage

    appraisal fees are going up and taking longer on a mortgage

  15. Why did your mortgage payment just go up?

    Why did your mortgage payment just go up?

  16. What does the future hold with inflation and rates

    What does the future hold with inflation and rates

  17. Asset Depletion for those not working and those that are w2, tune in on this one

    Asset Depletion for those not working and those that are w2, tune in on this one

  18. buying vs renting with inflation taking off

    buying vs renting with inflation taking off

  19. buying a commercial property with 0 down

    buying a commercial property with 0 down