4 months agoAn immigrant who urinates in public in Russia is educated by a Russian patriotStantonLives
3 years agoUkrainian Soldiers on duty lubricate their ammo cartridges with pork lardRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
1 month agoFat diversity are now telling people on TikTok to spit and urinate on ICE agents’ food...Revalver
8 months ago►🚨▶ ⚡️⚡️🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 “IDF urinates on Prisoners and sets dogs to bite them.”Zodland World News Channel
5 months agoA North African in Italy makes his son urinate on an Italian police car while hisB-N-F-A-T-WVerified
2 years agoSymptoms Of Kidney Stones _What Are The Most Common Signs & Symptoms Of Kidney Stone Diseasethink health
7 months agoAmerican Airlines Flight Diverted After Passenger Exposes Himself and Urinates in AisleSmokeyHardwick