@KarenKingston Check The DESCRIPTION Of Any One Of My Videos And Update Yourself! - Or Keep Claimming Ignorance and LYING To Your Followers! #WBAN #ITU #IEC #ISO #NNI 👀
This is all i could say to anyone that got on the ingestable 'supliments' refferal links train without doing some homework and cross references with nano tech first.
Im sure the Mainstream media will have a different story along with an edited clip to show! #BREAKING: Justin Trudeau forced to leave a Vancouver restaurant amidst protests.
#GlitchUp Why do all the "Good Doctors" & "PFIZER Lawfare" Folks Always Block Or Ignore When I Confront Them On All Platforms With Document Links & Highlighted Screen Shots??? - START ASKING YOURSELF! 👀👇
All these folks wondering Who is this guy @Nonvaxer420 calling out all these "Good" doctots & Alex Jones & Kingston & SHIT? 😅 🖕 YOU #ITU #IEEE #IEC #HORIZONS #NATO