1. Este presidente exemplar se levanta contra o crime

    Este presidente exemplar se levanta contra o crime

  2. El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele, Stand Against Abuse

    El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele, Stand Against Abuse

  3. Nayib Bukele the President of El Salvador aka Bitcoin country opens a new hydroelectric plant

    Nayib Bukele the President of El Salvador aka Bitcoin country opens a new hydroelectric plant

  4. Stop Drinking the Elite's Kool-Aid #crypto #bitcoin #elsalvador #btc #blockchain #nayibbukele

    Stop Drinking the Elite's Kool-Aid #crypto #bitcoin #elsalvador #btc #blockchain #nayibbukele

  5. Répression ultra violente et démesurée par les policiers sur les manifestants français

    Répression ultra violente et démesurée par les policiers sur les manifestants français

  6. Nayib Bukele the President of El Salvador aka Bitcoin country opens a new hydroelectric plant

    Nayib Bukele the President of El Salvador aka Bitcoin country opens a new hydroelectric plant

  7. When will Bitcoin hit $220k? Max Keiser responds to followers and says when economic collapse and so

    When will Bitcoin hit $220k? Max Keiser responds to followers and says when economic collapse and so

  8. When will Bitcoin hit $220k? Max Keiser responds to followers and says when economic collapse and so

    When will Bitcoin hit $220k? Max Keiser responds to followers and says when economic collapse and so

  9. First State Sponsored Bitcoin Commercial Created By El Salvador Featuring Chivo Wallet - 9/29/2021

    First State Sponsored Bitcoin Commercial Created By El Salvador Featuring Chivo Wallet - 9/29/2021

  10. 🛑Nayib Bukele publicó sobre incautación cargamento proveniente Colombia y mencionó a Gustavo Petro👇👇

    🛑Nayib Bukele publicó sobre incautación cargamento proveniente Colombia y mencionó a Gustavo Petro👇👇

  11. 🛑Nayib Bukele, reveló la identidad de los tres colombianos arrestados con 1,2 toneladas de cocaína👇👇

    🛑Nayib Bukele, reveló la identidad de los tres colombianos arrestados con 1,2 toneladas de cocaína👇👇

  12. On behalf of Delnorte I congratulating Nayib Bukele as the new president of El Salvador!

    On behalf of Delnorte I congratulating Nayib Bukele as the new president of El Salvador!

  13. Nayib Bukele the President of El Salvador opens a new hydroelectric plant

    Nayib Bukele the President of El Salvador opens a new hydroelectric plant
