6 months agoSATANIC Bill Gates - where does he store his MILLIONS of doses of Poison Vaccines?Organic Medicine
2 years agoDetox from Spike Proteins: Here's How in Under Two Minutes | America's Front Line Doctorsgalacticstorm
7 months agoChris Cuomo - “I’m taking Ivermectin...We were given bad information about Ivermectin."Asherpress
2 years ago“天無絕人之路”_美國 急重症醫學專家Dr.Pierre Kory 以過來人分享如何自救與救人,“新冠疫情Covid 的治療”或是“新冠疫苗實驗針劑(C_19 vaccine)針後副作用的排解_”有效的“排毒配方 ”~mcy1227
2 years agoIvermectin: Summarizing "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Chapter 1, Section 3)FatesABitch
2 years agoWhen a doctor and his family got COVID, they experienced a remarkable recovery. This is their story.FLCCCAllianceVerified
11 months agoStudy: 20M Died from HCQ ft Death Spikes from Remdesivir, HCQ, Ivermectin, Flu, Vaccine + Long-Vax(NurembergTrials.net)
1 year agomRNA vaccines are designed to poison people; a certain number of doses will kill youBiological Medicine
1 year agoMan dies from COVID vaccine; court says it was suicide; no life insurance payoutBiological Medicine
2 months agoMan dies from COVID vaccine; court says it was suicide; no life insurance payoutOrganic Medicine