7 months agoBiden Tries, Fails at Reading a Truman Quote Written Directly in Front of HimSean HannityVerified
4 months agoMichael Collins Piper reads an article written by Franklin J. Moore, a veteran of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.Libertarian99
1 year agoJFK Jr. reads a poem written by Monica Lewinsky, where she creatively describes herself as a pizza 🍕Sarah Snyder Trusts The Plan
1 day agoGutfeld on Jake Tapper’s New Book: ‘You Can’t Ignore CNN’s Role in the Cover-Up if You’re Writing a Book About the Cover-Up’GrabienVerified
26 days agoHave all your sins been forgiven? Is your name written in The Book of Life? #eternityManOnAMission316
26 days agoHave all your sins been forgiven? Is your name written in The Book of Life? #eternityFollowerOfChristJesus316
26 days agoHave all your sins been forgiven? Is your name written in The Book of Life? #eternityIMTHEWRETCH
11 months agoKEN O KEEFE ON WW2 (history is written by the victors/Zionist/Fake Jewish Imposters)HebrewIsraelitesHolland
8 months agoSo let it be written; so let it be done. The Simpsons have predicted a civilization ending event.Biological Medicine
2 months agoParalytic conditions are written as side effects of the vaccines we are giving our childrenCanadian Citizens Journal
4 months agoZundel Trial: Raul Hillberg, star witness for the prosecution admitted under oath that "no written record exists that Hitler ever ordered the mass extermination of the Jews"Libertarian99
19 days agoBook of Palestine from 172 written 226 years before the Rothschilds invented IsraelAlienPauper