1 year agoCharles Corradino Di Peso was sent to examine the Acámbaro Figures publishing his findings in 1953zacharydenman
1 year agoBrief History to St Mary of Charity Church in Faversham Kent #church #faversham #history #spirezacharydenman
1 year agoThere is no possible way that farmers produced 35,900 Acámbaro Figures over 20 year period #acámbarozacharydenman
1 year agoThere were 5000 construction workers building the Great Exhibition 1851 but no Photographs...zacharydenman
1 year agoAlexander McKenzie designed & landscaped the 200 aces of Alexandra Palace in London #londonhistoryzacharydenman
1 year agoAlexandra Palace once flew Barton Airships by Doctor Francis Alexander Barton #airship #allypallyzacharydenman
1 year agoThe Alexandra Palace Organ was installed on the was burn't down in 1873 in the fire #tartaria #organzacharydenman
1 year agoAlexandra Palace had a metal framework structure like the Eiffel Tower for loading onto the Airshipszacharydenman
1 year agoAlexandra Palace opened in 1873 but you cannot find any Construction Photographs..?zacharydenman
1 year agoThe More You Operate From The Ego The More You Enforce The Mind Prison #ego #mindsetzacharydenman
1 year agoIn 1812 Mount Tambora Erupted which created a Nuclear Winter in the Northern Hemisphere #tartariazacharydenman
1 year agoIn 1979 The Inventor & Physicist John Hutchison Created a complex Electromagnetic Field #teslacoilszacharydenman
1 year agoLey Lines go Deep into our Earth Influencing Human Consciousness in more Ways Than We Know #leylineszacharydenman
1 year agoRemember there are Ley Lines all around us.. that pulse throughout Planet Earth #leylines #earthzacharydenman
1 year agoFirst Television signal was broadcast in 1936 at Alexandra Palace created by John Baird #leylineszacharydenman
1 year agoIn 1936 the BBC broadcast at Alexandra Palace, the same month Crystal Palace burn't Down #leylineszacharydenman
1 year agoChurches, Chapels & Cathedrals have been repurposed over many years #tartaria #cymaticszacharydenman
1 year agoCharles Corradino Di Peso did not use any scientific methodology to examine the Acambaro figureszacharydenman
1 year agoEvery Single Interplanetary & Interstellar civilisation can achieve Christ Consciousness #frequencyzacharydenman
1 year agoThe Griffins in the Rhiphean Mountains protected the Gold from the Arimaspi or Single Eyed Beingszacharydenman
1 year agoA Race Of Giants Built Stonehenge and it was once a Chronological Device #stonehengezacharydenman
1 year agoAfter 1834 future Maps of Great Tartaria looked different with Northern & Eastern Tartary #tartariazacharydenman
1 year agoThere Were Many Cities in Great Tartaria On The Tartarian Maps, Where Have They Gone? #tartaryzacharydenman
1 year agoTartaria Is a Myth To Most.. But Why Did Cartographers Mark it on Maps back to the 13th Century?zacharydenman