1. Great Lakes Winter Surfing: Warm Wetsuits and Frigid Waters

    Great Lakes Winter Surfing: Warm Wetsuits and Frigid Waters

  2. Second cold front hits Cape Town

    Second cold front hits Cape Town

  3. Great Lakes Winter Surfing: Warm Wetsuits and Frigid Waters

    Great Lakes Winter Surfing: Warm Wetsuits and Frigid Waters

  4. Nine-hour Rescue for Fishing Boat Crew in Stormy Seas

    Nine-hour Rescue for Fishing Boat Crew in Stormy Seas

  5. Britain's oldest Christmas tree goes up for 97th year

    Britain's oldest Christmas tree goes up for 97th year

  6. Lightning strikes Mecca clock tower as storm causes chaos

    Lightning strikes Mecca clock tower as storm causes chaos