1 year agoPeeing in an ALL-GENDER bathroom in Chicago #chicago #bathroom #unisex #wokeAmerican Curmudgeon
1 year agoThe exact moment that I gave up on METALLICA #metallica #yeahyeah #blackalbum #entersandman #selloutAmerican Curmudgeon
1 year agoDECENTRALIZATION SUNDAY NEW VIDEO UP NOW! #decentralization #sunday #musicreviews #cdsAmerican Curmudgeon
1 year agoLiberal Media tries to discredit " Sound of Freedom " #soundoffreedom #liberals #theguardian #mediaAmerican Curmudgeon
1 year agoJack White doesn't like Joe Rogan and Guy Fieri #jackwhite #joerogan #guyfieri #markwahlberg #wokeAmerican Curmudgeon