1. Why blonde was dissapointed with her trip to London?

    Why blonde was dissapointed with her trip to London?

  2. A Chinese kid was born before a due date (short jokes)

    A Chinese kid was born before a due date (short jokes)

  3. A conversation between a teacher and student (one liner joke)

    A conversation between a teacher and student (one liner joke)

  4. What do you get when you turn a Blonde upside down?

    What do you get when you turn a Blonde upside down?

  5. Funny short joke. If ever you will see a toilet in your dreams

    Funny short joke. If ever you will see a toilet in your dreams

  6. Joke. What is the difference between Hungry and Horny

    Joke. What is the difference between Hungry and Horny

  7. "Laugh-a-lot Zoology: Hilarious Tales from the Animal Kingdom!"

    "Laugh-a-lot Zoology: Hilarious Tales from the Animal Kingdom!"
