6 months agoArtificial Sun documented in Japan - August 2024The Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekers
6 months agoThe Mystery of Sound: Revealing the Power of Sound Frequencies/PREVIEWBible Mysteries Podcast
2 years agoGod may be allowing Satan Lucifer's CERN to collapse the universe & its inhabitants as his judgmentChristianRapture
2 years agoalec baldwin human sacrifice, kanye church death ritual (signals of the end)Prepare For The Apocalypse
3 years agoRevelation 8:11 Many men died of the waters because they were made bitterBiblePropheciesBookofRevelation
1 year agoA mysterious something was taken from the bottom of the ocean. Record dated 07/09/2020.Alex7Tumanov
3 years agoStand your ground! Say No! Your body your choice! You are sovereign! MADE In the IMAGE of YHWH.HARPAXO