Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? | "What Is It That Inhibits Human Machine Symbiosis? It's the Data Rate. The Idea Behind Neuralink Is to Try to More Tightly Couple the Collective Human World to Digital Super Intelligence." - Elon
"Da domani la Finlandia sarà un membro a pieno titolo della NATO":il Segretario della NATO Jens Stoltenberg conferma la data di adesione dal 4/4/2023 della Finlandia come 31° Paese facente parte della NATO..Svezia prossimamente,Ucraina poi..
Artificial Intelligence | "Because I Live In Israel There Is No Way That I Am Going to Forget the Enormous Power That Religion & Have On History. (The Ones Who Are Owning the Data Are) The New Priests, the New Kings, the New Gods." - Yuval