Ooooh, Cut the Crap! There's "Some REALLY Compelling Reason Not To", and You Know Better. It's Called The Military Industrial Complex!! | #Nazis #JustDoingTheirJob
Origins of COUNTRIES on Planet Earth: How the Annunaki Enlil Created Racial, Cultural, and National Division, and Then Reduced Your Lifespan! | Billy Carson #Shorts
How ET’s, Benign or Even Benevolent, See Us. They Won’t Handle Any Business Not Theirs Only to Disempower You. If You Cannot Find Your Power within.. So Sorry! And the Malevolent? They're Obvious in Goals. BUT They're Few in the Universe.
Even Veterans Don't Want Their Families Joining the Military — Ron Paul Reports. | Basically, Americans are Done with America! It Has to be Taken Down (Ideally by Us) and Rebuilt.