3 years agoMacron, le président pervers narcissique qui méprise les Français! Covid 19 Plandémie CoronavirusFausse Pandemie Covid
2 years agoBiden: "We need more money to plan for the second pandemic."The Post Millennial LiveVerified
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3 years agoNearly 52% Of Polled Americans Believe Pandemic Will Never EndThe Wayne Dupree PodcastVerified
4 years agoPresident Trump: We will end the pandemic once and for allOne America News NetworkVerified
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3 years agoSlovenský premiér Eduard Heger narovinu prozradil, že pandemie se bude více šířit mezi zaočkovanými!AENews
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3 months agoDutch GLOBALIST “Government” CORPORATION Official Admits Covid Pandemic Was “Military Operation”RAVries
23 days agoOne TRILLION taxpayer dollars stolen during the pandemic - went overseasNewsVariableVerified
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2 months agoAlex Jones: Globalists Rolling Out Plandemic II, Disease X To Stop Trump - 12/10/24Alex Jones TVVerified
1 year agoSlovakia Shocks the World: New Prime Minister Rejects Signing the WHO Pandemic TreatyVigilant News NetworkVerified
3 years agoDr. Anthony Fauci již v lednu 2017 předpověděl, že za vlády Donalda Trumpa propukne pandemie!AENews
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