WE ARE ONE FAMILY, BLACK MEXICANS ARE LOVED BY BLACKS. A BEAUTIFUL HOLY PECULIAR PEOPLE🕎Baruch 2;26-33 “And the house which is called by thy name hast thou laid waste, as it is to be seen this day, for the wickedness of the house of Israel & Juda
WE ARE ONE FAMILY, BLACK MEXICANS ARE LOVED BY BLACKS. A BEAUTIFUL HOLY PECULIAR PEOPLE🕎Baruch 2;26-33 “And the house which is called by thy name hast thou laid waste, as it is to be seen this day, for the wickedness of the house of Israel and Judah
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “country” - mid-13c., "(one's) native land;" c. 1300, "any geographic area," "region, district,” "(land) spread before one," as "area surrounding a walled city or town
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “gentile” - "one who is not a Israelite," c. 1400; (late 14c.), gentilis "of the same family. belonging to the same nation. fellow countrymen, kinsmen," but also "foreigners”
ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “seed” - Middle English Figurative sense of "offspring, progeny, posterity," From late 14c. as "act or time of sowing." The meaning "semen, male fecundating fluid,” 🕎 Romans 1:3 KJV