4 years agoAlma Teaches the Poor about Humility | Alma 31–32 | Book of Mormon Videos | Faith To Actfaithtoact
5 years agoNephi Commits to Obtain the Sacred Records | 1 Nephi 3:1–8 | Book of Mormon Videos | Faith To Actfaithtoact
4 years agoAlma Calls the People of Ammonihah to Repent and Be Baptized | Alma 9 | Book of Mormon | Faithfaithtoact
1 year agoMy Redeemer Lives #comeuntochrist #faithtoact #churchofjesuschrist #religion #faithinspiredfaithtoact
3 years agoPresident Eyring Hearing Him through those in touch with Heaven | Faith To ActFaith to Act ~ Come Unto Christ
3 years agoShine Your Light So Others May See | Sister Bonnie Cordon | Faith To ActFaith to Act ~ Come Unto Christ
2 years agoTemptation Fades As We Seek Christ in Every Thought | Faith To ActFaith to Act ~ Come Unto Christ
5 years agoThe Faithful Partake of the Fruit of the Tree | 1 Nephi 8:29–30 | Faith To Act | Book of MormonVideofaithtoact
4 years agoPresident Nelson Announces Eight New Temples | Faith To Act | General Conference April 5, 2020faithtoact
4 years agoWorldwide Solemn Assembly With Hosanna Shout | Faith To Act | President Russell M. Nelsonfaithtoact