1. Narcotic crops are worsening Yemen's climate woe

    Narcotic crops are worsening Yemen's climate woe

  2. Kenyan activist Wathuti speaks up for Africa at COP 27 climate summit

    Kenyan activist Wathuti speaks up for Africa at COP 27 climate summit

  3. 'Fossil Free London' protest against Shell's Jackdaw gas field | BEIS | 2nd June 2022

    'Fossil Free London' protest against Shell's Jackdaw gas field | BEIS | 2nd June 2022

  4. XR "Nothing has been done by silently protesting" | BLACKFRIARS | 15th april 2022

    XR "Nothing has been done by silently protesting" | BLACKFRIARS | 15th april 2022

  5. Ozone And GRAVITY: O3↓ As DENSER Gas Moves DOWN▼, Is Mixed Also By Gases Kinetic Diffusion!!!

    Ozone And GRAVITY: O3↓ As DENSER Gas Moves DOWN▼, Is Mixed Also By Gases Kinetic Diffusion!!!

  6. Climate narratives used for rip-off and more... | www.kla.tv/27575

    Climate narratives used for rip-off and more... | www.kla.tv/27575
