1 year agoEpee Fencing - Counter cut and beat flick to the wrist! | Grumier G vs Imre GFitness Ignite
1 year agoEpee Fencing - Strategies - Step forward and synchronicities! | Zawrotniak R vs Vismara FFitness Ignite
1 year agoEpee Fencing - Was that an invite for a free point!? | Antkiewicz M vs Vismara FFitness Ignite
1 year agoEpee Fencing - Did these two inventented Haka for fencing!? | Heinzer M vs Park SFitness Ignite
5 months ago【FR】Le PCC considère la loi comme une épée contre ses adversaires et un bouclier pour protéger...GloryMifan2