3 years agoNguyen Dynasty of Vietnam Anthem (1802-1945; Instrumental) Đăng đàn cungNational Anthems and Songs
3 years agoNational Anthem of Australia - Advance Australia Fair (Instrumental)World National Anthems
4 years agoNetherlands National Anthem (1815-1932; Vocal) Wien Neêrlands bloedNational Anthems and Songs
3 years agoRussian Republic Anthem (1917-1918; Instrumental) Рабочая МарсельезаNational Anthems and Songs
3 years agoNational Anthem Tsardom of Bulgaria (1885-1944) - Шуми Марица (Instrumental)World National Anthems
3 years agoState Anthem of the Republic of Ingushetia - ГIалгIайчен Гимн (Vocal)World National Anthems
3 years agoNational Anthem of Bonaire - Tera di Solo y Suave Biento (Instrumental)World National Anthems
3 years agoSouth Maluku National Anthem (1950–1963; Vocal) Maluku, Tanah AirkuNational Anthems and Songs
3 years agoParaguay National Anthem (Instrumental) Paraguayos, República o MuerteNational Anthems and Songs
3 years agoAnthem of Karakalpakstan (Uzbekistan) - Қарақалпақстан Республикасының Мәмлекетлик Гимни (Vocal)World National Anthems
3 years agoTransnistria Anthem (Instrumental) Мы славим тебя, ПриднестровьеNational Anthems and Songs