1 year agoKim Clement is/was a FALSE prophet along with the rest of them all!Prepare For The Apocalypse
7 months ago2018.12.10.MilesLive: The Thousand Talents Plan is the evil scheme of CCP's kleptocratic familiesHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
2 years agoRFID CHIP IMPLEMENTATION & WW3🕎2 Esdras 16;19 Behold, famine & plague, tribulation & anguish, are sent as scourges for amendment.RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
1 month agoWhere Christianity goes WRONG #christianity #faith #revelation #biblechapter #religion #endtimesRVTA
1 year agobeating the devil, we never run from the devil, we never hide from the devil (I Jn 3:8)For The Tribulation Saints
4 months agoWilliam Cooper. Israel ushering in One World Government. Elite are going by the book of Revelation..WatchmanDanTrendellVerified
8 months ago2021.12.03.MilesLive: China has mastered remote traction technology and can monitor anyone’s devicesHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场