1 month ago[Aug 1, 2024] Free Your Mind From The Globe Unplug from the Matrix - Paul Davis UnCancelledFlat Earth Dave Interviews
2 months agoHow Far Can We See the Sun? Astonishing Science Explained! - Strange Planet Richard SyrettDITRH Interviews
2 months agoExtra Terrestrial Life Possible Beyond Antarctica - Strange Planet Richard SyrettDITRH Interviews
2 months agoHidden Truth: The Earth's Curvature or Flat Table Illusion? - Strange Planet Richard SyrettDITRH Interviews
2 months agoBreaking the Programming and Embracing Science - Strange Planet Richard SyrettDITRH Interviews
2 months agoCrack the Globe Mystery and Win Bitcoins with this App! - Strange Planet Richard SyrettDITRH Interviews
2 months ago102-Year-Old Woman's Life-Changing Revelation & ISS Lies Exposed - Strange Planet: Richard SyrettDITRH Interviews
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