Elon Musk | "The Universe Started Out As Hydrogen & Then 13.8 Billion Years Later We Have Consciousness. Consciousness Had to Arise from Hydrogen. If You Leave Hydrogen Out In the Sun Long Enough, It Starts Talking to Itself."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Throughout Human History, Dictators & Tyrants Always Wanted to Monitor Everybody. There Are Microphones, Cameras & Drones Everywhere. You Don't Need A Human Analyst AI Is Doing It Automatically."
How STUPlD are you? A covid jab for your 6 month old baby is now "approved by Health Canada AND the CDC!" .... Im curious to see who's ready to sacrifice their child. Please comment below if you plan on vacclnating your infant for covid.
Tucker Carlson / Alex Jones Highlights Including: "When You Dig Into Alex Jones' Predictions They Are So Spot On That It's Remarkable." - Tucker Carlson + "The Future Belongs to Techno-Religions." - Yuval Noah Harari